1 /***************************************************************************
2  Copyright (C) 2002-2015 Kentaro Kitagawa
3  kitagawa@phys.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp
5  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
6  modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
7  License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
8  version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
10  You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General
11  Public License and a list of authors along with this program;
12  see the files COPYING and AUTHORS.
13 ***************************************************************************/
14 #include "dso.h"
15 #include "graph.h"
16 #include "graphwidget.h"
17 #include "xwavengraph.h"
18 #include "fir.h"
20 #include "interface.h"
21 #include "analyzer.h"
22 #include "xnodeconnector.h"
23 #include "signalgenerator.h"
25 #include "ui_dsoform.h"
27 const char *XDSO::s_trace_names[] = {
28  "Time [sec]", "Trace1 [V]", "Trace2 [V]", "Trace3 [V]", "Trace4 [V]"
29 };
30 const unsigned int XDSO::s_trace_colors[] = {
31  clRed, clGreen, clLime, clAqua
32 };
34 XDSO::XDSO(const char *name, bool runtime,
35  Transaction &tr_meas, const shared_ptr<XMeasure> &meas) :
36  XPrimaryDriverWithThread(name, runtime, ref(tr_meas), meas),
37  m_average(create<XUIntNode>("Average", false)),
38  m_singleSequence(create<XBoolNode>("SingleSequence", false)),
39  m_trigSource(create<XComboNode>("TrigSource", false)),
40  m_trigFalling(create<XBoolNode>("TrigFalling", false)),
41  m_trigPos(create<XDoubleNode>("TrigPos", false)),
42  m_trigLevel(create<XDoubleNode>("TrigLevel", false)),
43  m_timeWidth(create<XDoubleNode>("TimeWidth", false)),
44  m_vFullScale1(create<XComboNode>("VFullScale1", false, true)),
45  m_vFullScale2(create<XComboNode>("VFullScale2", false, true)),
46  m_vFullScale3(create<XComboNode>("VFullScale3", false, true)),
47  m_vFullScale4(create<XComboNode>("VFullScale4", false, true)),
48  m_vOffset1(create<XDoubleNode>("VOffset1", false)),
49  m_vOffset2(create<XDoubleNode>("VOffset2", false)),
50  m_vOffset3(create<XDoubleNode>("VOffset3", false)),
51  m_vOffset4(create<XDoubleNode>("VOffset4", false)),
52  m_recordLength(create<XUIntNode>("RecordLength", false)),
53  m_forceTrigger(create<XTouchableNode>("ForceTrigger", true)),
54  m_restart(create<XTouchableNode>("Restart", true)),
55  m_trace1(create<XComboNode>("Trace1", false)),
56  m_trace2(create<XComboNode>("Trace2", false)),
57  m_trace3(create<XComboNode>("Trace3", false)),
58  m_trace4(create<XComboNode>("Trace4", false)),
59  m_fetchMode(create<XComboNode>("FetchMode", false, true)),
60  m_firEnabled(create<XBoolNode>("FIREnabled", false)),
61  m_firBandWidth(create<XDoubleNode>("FIRBandWidth", false)),
62  m_firCenterFreq(create<XDoubleNode>("FIRCenterFreq", false)),
63  m_firSharpness(create<XDoubleNode>("FIRSharpness", false)),
64  m_dRFMode(create<XComboNode>("RFMode", false)),
65  m_dRFSG(create<XItemNode<XDriverList, XSG> >("RFSG", false, ref(tr_meas), meas->drivers(), true)),
66  m_dRFFreq(create<XDoubleNode>("RFFreq", false)),
67  m_form(new FrmDSO),
68  m_waveForm(create<XWaveNGraph>("WaveForm", false,
69  m_form->m_graphwidget, m_form->m_edDump, m_form->m_tlDump, m_form->m_btnDump)),
70  m_statusPrinter(XStatusPrinter::create(m_form.get())) {
71  m_form->m_btnForceTrigger->setIcon(QApplication::style()->standardIcon(QStyle::SP_BrowserReload));
72  m_form->m_dblTrigPos->setRange(0.0, 100.0);
73  m_form->m_dblTrigPos->setSingleStep(1.0);
74  m_form->tabifyDockWidget(m_form->m_dockTrace1, m_form->m_dockTrace2);
75  m_form->tabifyDockWidget(m_form->m_dockTrace2, m_form->m_dockTrace3);
76  m_form->tabifyDockWidget(m_form->m_dockTrace3, m_form->m_dockTrace4);
77  m_form->m_dockTrace1->showNormal();
78  m_form->m_dockTrace1->raise();
79  m_form->tabifyDockWidget(m_form->m_dockTrigger, m_form->m_dockRF);
80  m_form->m_dockTrigger->showNormal();
81  m_form->m_dockTrigger->raise();
82  m_form->resize( QSize(m_form->width(), 400) );
84  m_conUIs = {
85  xqcon_create<XQDoubleSpinBoxConnector>(m_trigPos, m_form->m_dblTrigPos, m_form->m_slTrigPos),
86  xqcon_create<XQLineEditConnector>(m_average, m_form->m_edAverage),
87  xqcon_create<XQToggleButtonConnector>(m_singleSequence, m_form->m_ckbSingleSeq),
88  xqcon_create<XQComboBoxConnector>(m_trace1, m_form->m_cmbTrace1, Snapshot( *m_trace1)),
89  xqcon_create<XQComboBoxConnector>(m_trace2, m_form->m_cmbTrace2, Snapshot( *m_trace2)),
90  xqcon_create<XQComboBoxConnector>(m_trace3, m_form->m_cmbTrace3, Snapshot( *m_trace3)),
91  xqcon_create<XQComboBoxConnector>(m_trace4, m_form->m_cmbTrace4, Snapshot( *m_trace4)),
92  xqcon_create<XQComboBoxConnector>(m_fetchMode, m_form->m_cmbFetchMode, Snapshot( *m_fetchMode)),
93  xqcon_create<XQLineEditConnector>(m_timeWidth, m_form->m_edTimeWidth),
94  xqcon_create<XQComboBoxConnector>(m_vFullScale1, m_form->m_cmbVFS1, Snapshot( *m_vFullScale1)),
95  xqcon_create<XQComboBoxConnector>(m_vFullScale2, m_form->m_cmbVFS2, Snapshot( *m_vFullScale2)),
96  xqcon_create<XQComboBoxConnector>(m_vFullScale3, m_form->m_cmbVFS3, Snapshot( *m_vFullScale3)),
97  xqcon_create<XQComboBoxConnector>(m_vFullScale4, m_form->m_cmbVFS4, Snapshot( *m_vFullScale4)),
98  xqcon_create<XQComboBoxConnector>(m_trigSource, m_form->m_cmbTrigSource, Snapshot( *m_trigSource)),
99  xqcon_create<XQLineEditConnector>(m_trigLevel, m_form->m_edTrigLevel),
100  xqcon_create<XQToggleButtonConnector>(m_trigFalling, m_form->m_ckbTrigFalling),
101  xqcon_create<XQLineEditConnector>(m_vOffset1, m_form->m_edVOffset1),
102  xqcon_create<XQLineEditConnector>(m_vOffset2, m_form->m_edVOffset2),
103  xqcon_create<XQLineEditConnector>(m_vOffset3, m_form->m_edVOffset3),
104  xqcon_create<XQLineEditConnector>(m_vOffset4, m_form->m_edVOffset4),
105  xqcon_create<XQButtonConnector>(m_forceTrigger, m_form->m_btnForceTrigger),
106  xqcon_create<XQLineEditConnector>(m_recordLength, m_form->m_edRecordLength),
107  xqcon_create<XQToggleButtonConnector>(m_firEnabled, m_form->m_ckbFIREnabled),
108  xqcon_create<XQLineEditConnector>(m_firBandWidth, m_form->m_edFIRBandWidth),
109  xqcon_create<XQLineEditConnector>(m_firSharpness, m_form->m_edFIRSharpness),
110  xqcon_create<XQLineEditConnector>(m_firCenterFreq, m_form->m_edFIRCenterFreq),
111  xqcon_create<XQComboBoxConnector>(m_dRFMode, m_form->m_cmbRFMode, Snapshot( *m_dRFMode)),
112  xqcon_create<XQComboBoxConnector>(m_dRFSG, m_form->m_cmbRFSG, ref(tr_meas)),
113  xqcon_create<XQLineEditConnector>(m_dRFFreq, m_form->m_edRFFreq)
114  };
116  iterate_commit([=](Transaction &tr){
117  tr[ *singleSequence()] = true;
118  tr[ *firBandWidth()] = 1000.0;
119  tr[ *firCenterFreq()] = .0;
120  tr[ *firSharpness()] = 4.5;
122  m_lsnOnCondChanged = tr[ *firEnabled()].onValueChanged().connectWeakly(
123  shared_from_this(), &XDSO::onCondChanged);
124  tr[ *firBandWidth()].onValueChanged().connect(m_lsnOnCondChanged);
125  tr[ *firCenterFreq()].onValueChanged().connect(m_lsnOnCondChanged);
126  tr[ *firSharpness()].onValueChanged().connect(m_lsnOnCondChanged);
127  tr[ *fetchMode()].add({"Never", "Averaging", "Sequence"});
128  tr[ *fetchMode()] = FETCHMODE_SEQ;
130  tr[ *dRFMode()].add({"OFF", "By Given Freq.", "By SG Freq.", "With Coherent SG"});
132  m_lsnOnDRFCondChanged = tr[ *dRFMode()].onValueChanged().connectWeakly(
133  shared_from_this(), &XDSO::onDRFCondChanged);
134  tr[ *dRFSG()].onValueChanged().connect(m_lsnOnDRFCondChanged);
135  tr[ *dRFFreq()].onValueChanged().connect(m_lsnOnDRFCondChanged);
137  });
138  std::vector<shared_ptr<XNode>> runtime_ui{
139  average(), singleSequence(),
140  timeWidth(), trigSource(), trigPos(), trigLevel(), trigFalling(),
141  vFullScale1(), vFullScale2(), vFullScale3(), vFullScale4(),
142  vOffset1(), vOffset2(), vOffset3(), vOffset4(),
143  forceTrigger(), recordLength()
144  // fetchMode(), dRFMode(), dRFFreq(), dRFSG(),
145  };
146  iterate_commit([=](Transaction &tr){
147  for(auto &&x: runtime_ui)
148  tr[ *x].setUIEnabled(false);
149  });
151  m_waveForm->iterate_commit([=](Transaction &tr){
152  tr[ *m_waveForm].setColCount(5, s_trace_names);
153  tr[ *m_waveForm->graph()->persistence()] = 0;
154  tr[ *m_waveForm].clearPoints();
155  });
156 }
157 void
159 //! impliment form->show() here
160  m_form->showNormal();
161  m_form->raise();
162 }
164 unsigned int
166  return m_waves.size() / numChannels();
167 }
168 const double *
169 XDSO::Payload::wave(unsigned int ch) const {
170  return &m_waves[length() * ch];
171 }
172 unsigned int
174  return m_wavesDisp.size() / numChannelsDisp();
175 }
176 double *
177 XDSO::Payload::waveDisp(unsigned int ch) {
178  return &m_wavesDisp[lengthDisp() * ch];
179 }
180 const double *
181 XDSO::Payload::waveDisp(unsigned int ch) const {
182  return &m_wavesDisp[lengthDisp() * ch];
183 }
184 void
185 XDSO::visualize(const Snapshot &shot) {
186  m_statusPrinter->clear();
188 // if(!time()) {
189 // m_waveForm->clear();
190 // return;
191 // }
192  const unsigned int num_channels = shot[ *this].numChannelsDisp();
193  if( !num_channels) {
194  iterate_commit([=](Transaction &tr){
195  tr[ *m_waveForm].clearPoints();
196  });
197  return;
198  }
199  const unsigned int length = shot[ *this].lengthDisp();
200  m_waveForm->iterate_commit([=](Transaction &tr){
201  tr[ *m_waveForm].setColCount(num_channels + 1, s_trace_names);
202  if(tr[ *m_waveForm].numPlots() != num_channels) {
203  tr[ *m_waveForm].clearPlots();
204  for(unsigned int i = 0; i < num_channels; i++) {
205  tr[ *m_waveForm].insertPlot(s_trace_names[i + 1], 0, i + 1);
206  }
207  tr[ *tr[ *m_waveForm].axisy()->label()] = i18n("Traces [V]");
208  }
209  for(unsigned int i = 0; i < num_channels; i++) {
210  tr[ *tr[ *m_waveForm].plot(i)->drawPoints()] = false;
211  tr[ *tr[ *m_waveForm].plot(i)->lineColor()] = s_trace_colors[i];
212  tr[ *tr[ *m_waveForm].plot(i)->pointColor()] = s_trace_colors[i];
213  tr[ *tr[ *m_waveForm].plot(i)->barColor()] = s_trace_colors[i];
214  }
216  tr[ *m_waveForm].setRowCount(length);
218  double *times = tr[ *m_waveForm].cols(0);
219  double tint = shot[ *this].timeIntervalDisp();
220  double t = -shot[ *this].trigPosDisp() * tint;
221  for(unsigned int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
222  *times++ = t;
223  t += tint;
224  }
226  for(unsigned int i = 0; i < num_channels; i++) {
227  memcpy(tr[ *m_waveForm].cols(i + 1), shot[ *this].waveDisp(i), length * sizeof(double));
228  }
229  m_waveForm->drawGraph(tr);
230  });
231 }
232 void
233 XDSO::onRestartTouched(const Snapshot &shot, XTouchableNode *) {
234  m_timeSequenceStarted = XTime::now();
235  startSequence();
236 }
237 void *
238 XDSO::execute(const atomic<bool> &terminated) {
239  m_timeSequenceStarted = XTime::now();
240  int last_count = 0;
242  // trace1()->setUIEnabled(false);
243  // trace2()->setUIEnabled(false);
244  // trace3()->setUIEnabled(false);
245  // trace4()->setUIEnabled(false);
246  std::vector<shared_ptr<XNode>> runtime_ui{
247  average(), singleSequence(),
248  timeWidth(), trigSource(), trigPos(), trigLevel(), trigFalling(),
249  vFullScale1(), vFullScale2(), vFullScale3(), vFullScale4(),
250  vOffset1(), vOffset2(), vOffset3(), vOffset4(),
251  forceTrigger(), recordLength(),
252  };
253  iterate_commit([=](Transaction &tr){
254  for(auto &&x: runtime_ui)
255  tr[ *x].setUIEnabled(true);
256  });
258  iterate_commit([=](Transaction &tr){
259  m_lsnOnAverageChanged = tr[ *average()].onValueChanged().connectWeakly(
260  shared_from_this(), &XDSO::onAverageChanged);
261  m_lsnOnSingleChanged = tr[ *singleSequence()].onValueChanged().connectWeakly(
262  shared_from_this(), &XDSO::onSingleChanged);
263  m_lsnOnTimeWidthChanged = tr[ *timeWidth()].onValueChanged().connectWeakly(
264  shared_from_this(), &XDSO::onTimeWidthChanged);
265  m_lsnOnTrigSourceChanged = tr[ *trigSource()].onValueChanged().connectWeakly(
266  shared_from_this(), &XDSO::onTrigSourceChanged);
267  m_lsnOnTrigPosChanged = tr[ *trigPos()].onValueChanged().connectWeakly(
268  shared_from_this(), &XDSO::onTrigPosChanged);
269  m_lsnOnTrigLevelChanged = tr[ *trigLevel()].onValueChanged().connectWeakly(
270  shared_from_this(), &XDSO::onTrigLevelChanged);
271  m_lsnOnTrigFallingChanged = tr[ *trigFalling()].onValueChanged().connectWeakly(
272  shared_from_this(), &XDSO::onTrigFallingChanged);
273  m_lsnOnTrace1Changed = tr[ *trace1()].onValueChanged().connectWeakly(
274  shared_from_this(), &XDSO::onTrace1Changed);
275  m_lsnOnTrace2Changed = tr[ *trace2()].onValueChanged().connectWeakly(
276  shared_from_this(), &XDSO::onTrace2Changed);
277  m_lsnOnTrace3Changed = tr[ *trace3()].onValueChanged().connectWeakly(
278  shared_from_this(), &XDSO::onTrace3Changed);
279  m_lsnOnTrace4Changed = tr[ *trace4()].onValueChanged().connectWeakly(
280  shared_from_this(), &XDSO::onTrace4Changed);
281  m_lsnOnVFullScale1Changed = tr[ *vFullScale1()].onValueChanged().connectWeakly(
282  shared_from_this(), &XDSO::onVFullScale1Changed);
283  m_lsnOnVFullScale2Changed = tr[ *vFullScale2()].onValueChanged().connectWeakly(
284  shared_from_this(), &XDSO::onVFullScale2Changed);
285  m_lsnOnVFullScale3Changed = tr[ *vFullScale3()].onValueChanged().connectWeakly(
286  shared_from_this(), &XDSO::onVFullScale3Changed);
287  m_lsnOnVFullScale4Changed = tr[ *vFullScale4()].onValueChanged().connectWeakly(
288  shared_from_this(), &XDSO::onVFullScale4Changed);
289  m_lsnOnVOffset1Changed = tr[ *vOffset1()].onValueChanged().connectWeakly(
290  shared_from_this(), &XDSO::onVOffset1Changed);
291  m_lsnOnVOffset2Changed = tr[ *vOffset2()].onValueChanged().connectWeakly(
292  shared_from_this(), &XDSO::onVOffset2Changed);
293  m_lsnOnVOffset3Changed = tr[ *vOffset3()].onValueChanged().connectWeakly(
294  shared_from_this(), &XDSO::onVOffset3Changed);
295  m_lsnOnVOffset4Changed = tr[ *vOffset4()].onValueChanged().connectWeakly(
296  shared_from_this(), &XDSO::onVOffset4Changed);
297  m_lsnOnRecordLengthChanged = tr[ *recordLength()].onValueChanged().connectWeakly(
298  shared_from_this(), &XDSO::onRecordLengthChanged);
299  m_lsnOnForceTriggerTouched = tr[ *forceTrigger()].onTouch().connectWeakly(
300  shared_from_this(), &XDSO::onForceTriggerTouched);
301  m_lsnOnRestartTouched = tr[ *restart()].onTouch().connectWeakly(
302  shared_from_this(), &XDSO::onRestartTouched);
303  });
305  while( !terminated) {
306  Snapshot shot( *this);
307  const int fetch_mode = shot[ *fetchMode()];
308  if( !fetch_mode || (fetch_mode == FETCHMODE_NEVER)) {
309  msecsleep(100);
310  continue;
311  }
312  std::deque<XString> channels;
313  {
314  XString chstr = shot[ *trace1()].to_str();
315  if( !chstr.empty())
316  channels.push_back(chstr);
317  chstr = shot[ *trace2()].to_str();
318  if( !chstr.empty())
319  channels.push_back(chstr);
320  chstr = shot[ *trace3()].to_str();
321  if( !chstr.empty())
322  channels.push_back(chstr);
323  chstr = shot[ *trace4()].to_str();
324  if( !chstr.empty())
325  channels.push_back(chstr);
326  }
327  if( !channels.size()) {
328  statusPrinter()->printMessage(getLabel() + " " + i18n("Select traces!."));
329  msecsleep(1000);
330  continue;
331  }
333  bool seq_busy = false;
334  int count;
335  try {
336  count = acqCount( &seq_busy);
337  if( !count) {
338  last_count = 0;
339  msecsleep(10);
340  continue;
341  }
342  if(count == last_count) {
343  //Nothing happened after the last reading.
344  msecsleep(10);
345  continue;
346  }
347  if(fetch_mode == FETCHMODE_SEQ) {
348  if(shot[ *singleSequence()] && seq_busy) {
349  msecsleep(10);
350  continue;
351  }
352  }
353  }
354  catch (XKameError& e) {
355  e.print(getLabel());
356  continue;
357  }
359  auto writer = std::make_shared<RawData>();
360  // try/catch exception of communication errors
361  try {
362  getWave(writer, channels);
363  }
365  continue;
366  }
367  catch (XKameError &e) {
368  e.print(getLabel());
369  continue;
370  }
372  trans( *this).m_rawDisplayOnly = (shot[ *singleSequence()] && seq_busy);
374  finishWritingRaw(writer, m_timeSequenceStarted, XTime::now());
376  last_count = count;
378  if(shot[ *singleSequence()] && !seq_busy) {
379  last_count = 0;
380  m_timeSequenceStarted = XTime::now();
381  // try/catch exception of communication errors
382  try {
383  startSequence();
384  }
385  catch (XKameError &e) {
386  e.print(getLabel());
387  continue;
388  }
389  }
390  }
391  trans( *this).m_rawDisplayOnly = false;
393  // trace1()->setUIEnabled(true);
394  // trace2()->setUIEnabled(true);
395  iterate_commit([=](Transaction &tr){
396  for(auto &&x: runtime_ui)
397  tr[ *x].setUIEnabled(false);
398  });
400  m_lsnOnAverageChanged.reset();
401  m_lsnOnSingleChanged.reset();
402  m_lsnOnTimeWidthChanged.reset();
403  m_lsnOnTrigSourceChanged.reset();
404  m_lsnOnTrigPosChanged.reset();
405  m_lsnOnTrigLevelChanged.reset();
406  m_lsnOnTrigFallingChanged.reset();
407  m_lsnOnVFullScale1Changed.reset();
408  m_lsnOnVFullScale2Changed.reset();
409  m_lsnOnVFullScale3Changed.reset();
410  m_lsnOnVFullScale4Changed.reset();
411  m_lsnOnTrace1Changed.reset();
412  m_lsnOnTrace2Changed.reset();
413  m_lsnOnTrace3Changed.reset();
414  m_lsnOnTrace4Changed.reset();
415  m_lsnOnVOffset1Changed.reset();
416  m_lsnOnVOffset2Changed.reset();
417  m_lsnOnVOffset3Changed.reset();
418  m_lsnOnVOffset4Changed.reset();
419  m_lsnOnForceTriggerTouched.reset();
420  m_lsnOnRestartTouched.reset();
421  m_lsnOnRecordLengthChanged.reset();
422 // m_lsnOnDRFCondChanged.reset();
424  return NULL;
425 }
427 void
428 XDSO::onCondChanged(const Snapshot &shot, XValueNodeBase *) {
429  Snapshot shot_this( *this);
430  visualize(shot_this);
431 }
432 void
433 XDSO::onDRFCondChanged(const Snapshot &shot, XValueNodeBase *) {
434  iterate_commit([=](Transaction &tr){
435  tr[ *this].m_dRFRefWave.reset();
436  tr[ *restart()].touch();
437  });
438 }
439 double
440 XDSO::phaseOfRF(const Snapshot &shot_of_this, uint64_t count, double interval) {
441  double freq;
442  switch (shot_of_this[ *dRFMode()]) {
443  default:
444  return 0.0;
446  freq = shot_of_this[ *dRFFreq()] * 1e6;
447  break;
450  shared_ptr<XSG> sg = shot_of_this[ *dRFSG()];
451  if( !sg)
452  return 0.0;
453  freq = ***sg->freq() * 1e6;
454  break;
455  }
456  const uint64_t tens = 10000000000uLL; //# of tens for SG PLL.
457  uint64_t a = llrint(freq * interval * tens);
458  a = a % tens;
459  count = count % tens;
460  double x = ((long double)a * count) / tens;
461  return 2.0 * M_PI * x; //2pi f/T
462 }
463 void
464 XDSO::Payload::setParameters(unsigned int channels, double startpos, double interval, unsigned int length) {
465  m_numChannelsDisp = channels;
466  m_wavesDisp.resize(channels * length, 0.0);
467  m_trigPosDisp = -startpos / interval;
468  m_timeIntervalDisp = interval;
469 }
470 void
472  Snapshot &shot(tr);
473  unsigned int num_channels = shot[ *this].numChannelsDisp();
474  unsigned int length = shot[ *this].lengthDisp();
475  if( !shot[ *this].m_dRFRefWave) {
476  tr[ *this].m_dRFRefWave.reset(new std::vector<std::complex<double> >(length));
477  auto *vec = &shot[ *this].m_dRFRefWave->at(0);
478  double omega = phaseOfRF(shot, 1, shot[ *this].timeIntervalDisp());
479  double trigpos = shot[ *this].trigPosDisp();
480  for(int i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
481  vec[i] = std::polar(1.0, - omega * (i - trigpos)); // exp( -i omega t)
482  }
483  }
485  auto *wave_ref = &shot[ *this].m_dRFRefWave->at(0);
486  switch(shot[ *dRFMode()]) {
488  {
489  if( !isDRFCoherentSGSupported())
490  throw XSkippedRecordError(i18n("RF with coherent SG is not supported."), __FILE__, __LINE__);
491  if(num_channels % 2 == 1)
492  throw XSkippedRecordError(i18n("Inconsistent number of channels."), __FILE__, __LINE__);
493  for(unsigned int i = 0; i < num_channels; i += 2) {
494  double *wave_re = tr[ *this].waveDisp(i);
495  double *wave_im = tr[ *this].waveDisp(i + 1);
496  for(int i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
497  auto z = wave_ref[i] * std::complex<double>(wave_re[i], wave_im[i]);
498  wave_re[i] = std::real(z);
499  wave_im[i] = std::imag(z);
500  }
501  }
502  }
503  break;
504  default:
505  {
506  for(unsigned int i = 0; i < num_channels; ++i) {
507  double *wave_re = tr[ *this].waveDisp(i);
508  for(int i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
509  wave_re[i] = std::real(wave_ref[i] * wave_re[i]);
510  }
511  }
512  }
513  break;
514  }
515 }
516 void
518  convertRaw(reader, tr);
520  Snapshot &shot(tr);
521  unsigned int num_channels = shot[ *this].numChannelsDisp();
522  if( !num_channels) {
523  throw XSkippedRecordError(__FILE__, __LINE__);
524  }
525  if(shot[ *dRFMode()] > DRFMODE_OFF) {
526  demodulateDisp(tr); //digital RF demodulation.
527  }
528  if(shot[ *firEnabled()]) {
529  double bandwidth = shot[ *firBandWidth()] * 1000.0 * shot[ *this].timeIntervalDisp();
530  double fir_sharpness = shot[ *firSharpness()];
531  if(fir_sharpness < 4.0)
532  m_statusPrinter->printWarning(i18n("Too small number of taps for FIR filter."));
533  int taps = std::min((int)lrint(2 * fir_sharpness / bandwidth), 5000);
534  double center = shot[ *firCenterFreq()] * 1000.0 * shot[ *this].timeIntervalDisp();
535  if( !shot[ *this].m_fir || (taps != shot[ *this].m_fir->taps()) ||
536  (bandwidth != shot[ *this].m_fir->bandWidth()) || (center != shot[ *this].m_fir->centerFreq()))
537  tr[ *this].m_fir.reset(new FIR(taps, bandwidth, center));
538  unsigned int length = shot[ *this].lengthDisp();
539  std::vector<double> buf(length);
540  for(unsigned int i = 0; i < num_channels; i++) {
541  shot[ *this].m_fir->exec(tr[ *this].waveDisp(i), &buf[0], length);
542  memcpy(tr[ *this].waveDisp(i), &buf[0], length * sizeof(double));
543  }
544  }
545 }
546 void
548  convertRawToDisp(reader, tr);
550  if(tr[ *this].m_rawDisplayOnly) {
551  throw XSkippedRecordError(__FILE__, __LINE__); //visualize() will be called.
552  }
553  // std::fill(m_wavesRecorded.begin(), m_wavesRecorded.end(), 0.0);
554  tr[ *this].m_numChannels = tr[ *this].m_numChannelsDisp;
555  tr[ *this].m_waves.resize(tr[ *this].m_wavesDisp.size());
556  tr[ *this].m_trigPos = tr[ *this].m_trigPosDisp;
557  tr[ *this].m_timeInterval = tr[ *this].m_timeIntervalDisp;
558  memcpy( &tr[ *this].m_waves[0], &tr[ *this].m_wavesDisp[0], tr[ *this].m_wavesDisp.size() * sizeof(double));
559 }

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