Transactional | |
__PulseFunc | |
A | |
ARContext | |
atomic | Atomic access for a copy-able class which does not require transactional writing |
atomic< T, typename std::enable_if< std::is_integral< T >::value||std::is_pointer< T >::value >::type > | |
atomic< T, typename std::enable_if<(sizeof(int_cas2)*2==sizeof(T))&&std::is_pod< T >::value >::type > | Atomic access to POD type capable of CAS2 |
atomic_countable | |
atomic_list | |
atomic_nonzero_pod_queue | |
atomic_pod_cas | Atomic access to POD type capable of CAS |
atomic_pod_cas2 | Atomic access to POD type capable of CAS2 |
atomic_pointer_queue | Atomic FIFO with a pre-defined size for pointers |
atomic_queue | Atomic FIFO with a pre-defined size for copy-constructable class |
atomic_queue_reserved | Atomic FIFO of a pre-defined size for copy-able class |
atomic_shared_ptr | This is an atomic variant of std::shared_ptr, and can be shared by atomic and lock-free means. |
atomic_shared_ptr_base | Base class for atomic_shared_ptr without intrusive counting, so-called "simple counted". A global referece counter (an instance of atomic_shared_ptr_gref_) will be created |
atomic_shared_ptr_base< T, reflocal_t, reflocal_var_t, typename std::enable_if< std::is_base_of< atomic_countable, T >::value >::type > | Base class for atomic_shared_ptr with intrusive counting |
atomic_shared_ptr_gref_ | |
atomic_unique_ptr | This is an atomic variant of std::unique_ptr. An instance of atomic_unique_ptr can be shared among threads by the use of swap(shared_target). Namely, it is destructive reading. Use atomic_shared_ptr when the pointer is required to be shared among scopes and threads. This implementation relies on an atomic-swap machine code, e.g. lock xchg, or std::atomic |
B | |
ComplexNode | |
CompositeSpectrumSolver | |
CSplineApprox | Wrapper class for cubic (natural) spline approximation |
EigenVectorMethod | |
FFT | Wrapper class for FFTW |
FFTAxis | |
FFTBase | Wrapper class for fast Fourier transformation by FFTW |
FFTSolver | Zero-filled FFT spectrum solver |
FIR | |
FreqEstimation | |
FreqEstLeastSquare | |
FrmKameMain | |
local_shared_ptr | This class provides non-reentrant interfaces for atomic_shared_ptr: operator->(), operator*() and so on. Use this class in non-reentrant scopes instead of costly atomic_shared_ptr |
LongNode | |
LPKdoublecomplex | |
MEMBurg | |
MEMBurgContext | |
MEMStrict | Extra-polation of data using MEM (Maximum Entropy Method) by assuming gaussian distribution |
MonteCarlo | |
MUSIC | MUltiple SIgnal Classification |
MVDL | Capon MLM / MVDL |
MySubWindow | |
QForm | Providing an easy access to make a new form with UIs designed by Qt designer |
qshared_ptr | |
Rand | |
RFFT | Read Data FFT(DFT) |
RIFFT | Read Data IFFT(IDFT) |
Ruby | Wraps Ruby C interface and hides mysterious ruby.h from C++ libraries |
Snapshot | |
SpectrumSolver | |
SpectrumSolverWrapper | |
Transaction | |
Vector4 | |
WSockInit | |
X86CPUSpec | |
XADVR6142 | ADVANTEST TR6142/R6142/R6144 DC V/DC A source |
XAgilentE5061 | Agilent E5061A/5062A Network Analyzer |
XAgilentNetworkAnalyzer | Base class for HP/Agilent Network Analyzer |
XAH2500A | ANDEEN HAGERLING 2500A 1kHz Ultra-Precision Capcitance Bridge |
XAliasListNode | Creation by UI is not allowed |
XApproxThermometer | Cubic (natural) spline approximation |
XAutoLCTuner | |
XAVS47IB | |
XAxis | |
XCharDeviceDriver | |
XCharInterface | Standard interface for character devices. e.g. GPIB, serial port, TCP/IP.. |
XChartList | |
XColorConnector | |
XComboNode | Contains strings, value is one of strings |
XConCalTable | |
XCondition | Condition class |
XCounter | |
XCryocon | Cryo-con base class |
XCryoconCharInterface | |
XCryoconM32 | Cryo-con Model 32 Cryogenic Inst |
XCryoconM62 | Cryo-con Model 62 Cryogenic Inst |
XCryogenicSMS | |
XCustomCharInterface | |
XCustomTypeListNode | |
XDCSource | |
XDMM | |
XDMMSCPI | Base class for SCPI DMMs |
XDotWriter | |
XDoubleNode | |
XDPL32XGF | DS Technology DPL-3.2XGF |
XDriver | Base class for all instrument drivers |
XDriverList | |
XDriverListConnector | |
XDSO | Base class for digital storage oscilloscope |
XDummyDriver | |
XDummyInterface | |
XDummyPort | |
XEMP401 | |
XEntryListConnector | |
XFCST1000 | |
XFilePathConnector | |
XFlexAR | |
XFlexCRK | |
XFlowControllerDriver | Base class for mass flow monitors/controllers |
XFourRes | Measure Resistance By Switching Polarity of DC Source |
XFujikinInterface | |
XFujikinProtocolDriver | |
XFuncPlot | |
XFuncSynth | |
XGraph | |
XGraphList | |
XGraphListConnector | |
XH8Pulser | My pulser driver |
XHP34420A | Agilent(Hewlett-Packard) 34420A nanovolt meter |
XHP3458A | Agilent(Hewlett-Packard) 3458A DMM |
XHP3478A | Agilent(Hewlett-Packard) 3478A DMM |
XHP8643 | Agilent 8643A, 8644A |
XHP8648 | Agilent 8648 |
XHP8664 | Agilent 8664A, 8665A |
XHP8711 | HP/Agilent 8711C/8712C/8713C/8714C Network Analyzer |
XILM | |
XInterface | |
XInterfaceList | |
XInterfaceListConnector | |
XIntNodeBase | Base class for integer node |
XIPS120 | |
XITC503 | ITC503 Oxford |
XItemNode | |
XItemNode< TL > | |
XItemNode< TL, T1, VT...> | |
XItemNodeBase | Posses a pointer to a member of a list |
XItemQConnector | |
XKameError | Base of exception |
XKE2000 | |
XKE2182 | |
XKE2700w7700 | Keithley Integra 2700 w/ 7700 switching module |
XLakeShore | |
XLakeShore340 | LakeShore 340 |
XLakeShore370 | LakeShore 370 |
XLakeShoreBridge | Base class for LakeShore 340/370 |
XLecroyDSO | Lecroy/Iwatsu DSO |
XLevelMeter | |
XLI5640 | NF LI 5640 Lock-in Amplifier |
XLIA | |
XLinearResearch700 | Linear-Research 700 AC resistance bridge |
XListener | |
XListNode | List node for simples nodes, such like XIntNode |
XListNodeBase | |
XListQConnector | |
XLM500 | |
XMagnetPS | |
XMeasure | |
XMessageBox | |
XMicroTaskTCS | MicroTask/Leiden Triple Current Source |
XModbusRTUDriver | |
XModbusRTUInterface | |
XMonteCarloDriver | |
XMotorDriver | |
XMutex | |
XMutohCounterNPS | Mutoh Digital Counter NPS |
XNeoceraLTC21 | Neocera LTC-21 |
XNetworkAnalyzer | Base class for digital storage oscilloscope |
XNIDAQDOPulser | |
XNIDAQMSeriesWithSSeriesPulser | |
XNIDAQmxDriver | |
XNIDAQmxDSO | Software DSO w/ NI DAQmx |
XNIDAQmxInterface | |
XNIDAQmxPulser | |
XNMRBuiltInNetworkAnalyzer | Built-in network analyzer using a directional coupler in coherent pulse NMR system |
XNMRFSpectrum | |
XNMRPulseAnalyzer | |
XNMRSpectrum | |
XNMRSpectrumBase | |
XNMRT1 | Measure Relaxation Curve |
XNode | |
XNodeBrowser | |
XOmronE5_CModbus | |
XOxfordDriver | |
XOxfordInterface | |
XPlot | |
XPointerItemNode | |
XPort | |
XPrimaryDriver | |
XPrimaryDriverWithThread | |
XPS120 | |
XPulser | Base class of NMR Pulsers |
XQButtonConnector | |
XQComboBoxConnector | |
XQConnector | |
XQConnectorHolder_ | |
XQDoubleSpinBoxConnector | |
XQDPPMS | GPIB/serial interface for Quantum Design PPMS Model6000 or later |
XQDPPMS6000 | GPIB/serial interface for Quantum Design PPMS Model6000 or later |
XQGraph | |
XQGraphDialogConnector | |
XQGraphPainter | |
XQLabelConnector | |
XQLCDNumberConnector | |
XQLedConnector | |
XQLineEditConnector | |
XQListWidgetConnector | |
XQPulserDriverConnector | |
XQSpinBoxConnector | |
XQSpinBoxConnectorTMPL | |
XQSpinBoxUnsignedConnector | |
XQTextBrowserConnector | |
XQToggleButtonConnector | |
XRawStream | |
XRawStreamRecorder | |
XRawStreamRecordReader | |
XRawStreamRecordReaderConnector | |
XRecursiveMutex | Recursive mutex |
XRelaxFunc | |
XRelaxFuncList | |
XRelaxFuncPlot | |
XRelaxFuncPoly | |
XRelaxFuncPowExp | Power exponential |
XRhodeSchwartzSMLSMV | Rhode-Schwartz SML01/02/03 SMV03 |
XRuby | |
XRubyThread | |
XRubyThreadConnector | |
XRubyWriter | |
XSanwaPC500 | SANWA PC500/510/520M DMM |
XSanwaPC5000 | SANWA PC5000 DMM |
XScalarEntry | |
XScalarEntryList | |
XScientificInstruments | |
XScopedLock | Lock mutex during its life time |
XScopedTryLock | Lock mutex during its life time |
XSecondaryDriverInterface | |
XSerialPort | |
XSG | |
XSG7130 | KENWOOD SG-7130 |
XSG7200 | KENWOOD SG-7200 |
XSHPulser | My pulser driver |
XSignalBuffer | |
XSR830 | Stanford Research SR830 Lock-in Amplifier |
XStatusPrinter | |
XString | |
XStringList | |
XStringNode | |
XTalkerBase_ | |
XTCPSocketPort | |
XTDS | Tektronix DSO |
XTempControl | |
XTestDriver | |
XTextWriter | |
XThamwayCharPROT | Thamway NMR PROT series for GPIB, etc. |
XThamwayCharPulser | |
XThamwayDVCUSBInterface | |
XThamwayDVUSBDSO | Thamway DV14U25 A/D conversion board |
XThamwayMODCUSBInterface | |
XThamwayPGCUSBInterface | |
XThamwayPROT | Thamway NMR PROT series |
XThamwayPulser | Pulser driver |
XThamwayT300ImpedanceAnalyzer | Thamway Impedance Analyzer T300-1049A |
XThamwayUSBPROT | Thamway NMR PROT series for USB |
XThamwayUSBPulser | |
XThermometer | |
XThermometerList | |
XThread | Create a new thread |
XThreadLocal | |
XTime | |
XTouchableNode | |
XTransaction_ | |
XTypeHolder | |
XValChart | |
XValGraph | |
XValueNodeBase | Interface class containing values |
XValueQConnector | |
XVNWA3ENetworkAnalyzer | DG8SAQ VNWA3E via a custom DLL |
XWaveNGraph | |
XWinCUSBInterface | Interfaces chameleon USB, found at |
XXYPlot | |
XYK7651 | YOKOGAWA 7551 DC V/DC A source |
YuleWalkerAR | |
YuleWalkerCousin |